I (F 27) was seeing a guy (M 30) for just over a month before we decided to end things because he realized he’s still not over his ex (they broke up 7 months ago).

He said that if he were ready now, he would totally date me, but he’s just not ready (he’s also not actively dating or seeing other girls). He assured me there’s no chance of getting back with his ex, and he’s seeking professional help to move on.

I genuinely believe he’s a nice guy, and I like him and see potential. So, we decided to stay friends, and I’m not holding onto any hope that he’ll change his mind.

Our friendship was working well, but he often talks about his ex. I didn’t mind at first and tried to support him, but lately, it’s making me uncomfortable. I don’t know if I should move on or set boundaries. Has anyone been in this situation before? If so, how did it turn out?

TL;DR: Ended things with a guy who’s not over his ex but would date me if/when he’s ready. We stayed friends, but he often talks about his ex, which makes me uncomfortable. Not sure whether to move on or set boundaries.

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