Guy (23) here. I’m pretty much unable to have sex due to the overwhelming amount of anxiety that comes over me every time I get intimate. Mostly over being unable to get hard. It’s been going on for about 7 years now, and it feels like it’s just gotten worse and worse.

I feel like I do the right stuff to combat it. I’m open with my partners. I don’t force myself into it. But it feels like I’m just prolonging the inevitability of me failing to have sex. It’s gotten to the point where I barely enjoy making out and stuff as I’m so stuck in my head about not being hard enough.

I’ve tried viagra. It works, but I usually can’t orgasm because I’m just as anxious, I’ve just got an erection.

Id like to get comfortable with someone I trust, but I’m not really at a phase in my life where a long-term relationship is feasible. So, I keep finding shorter term flings. However, many of these girls have not understood the point of seeing someone short term if you’re not going to have sex. Fair enough.

I do have some kinks that I’ve never tried exploring in person, but I’m rarely comfortable enough with the person to share. I feel like sharing kinks generally comes after you’ve had a bit of vanilla sex first. I dunno.

Any advice? Feeling pretty shitty after yet another failed attempt and honestly it feels like I might just have to be celibate. What’s even the point

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