My now ex-girlfriend of 5 years went to France this month for a program that she recently joined. I helped her pay for the trip, got her attachments that she wanted for her camera, and even a camera bag that doubles as a backpack. Overall I nearly spent $900 for her to go the France because I thought it was a great opportunity for her.

Fast forward to when she came back. She was very distant and it felt like she was someone else and I caught onto that. A couple days later, she and I talked and eventually I was able to pry it out of her that she cheated on me with a guy that she met in France. This guy is also from the US and part of the same program as her.

Yesterday morning when I found out (at her place of work), I immediately fell out of love for her. I couldn't see her as the same person anymore and thinking about the intimate things she did with another man made me sick to my stomach. I went back home, called my brother, and he and I moved everything that I owned out of the house. After, I went back to talk to her one last time to let her know that she won't see me again and that all of my stuff is gone. Her last words to me were "I love you" and I didn't reciprocate. It just seems disgusting that she can say that after what she did.

This morning, I texted her one last time, feeling disgusted, asking her to pretty much reimburse me for the things that I gave her for France. I wasn't demanding it, I was just asking for it, and that's up to her if she wants to. That's all, I didn't want her to pay me back for all the gifts that I ever gave her in the past 5 years. I just felt like I gave her $900 dollars worth of stuff just so she can cheat on me with another man in a different country.

I’ve blocked her on every platform that I can think of. I just feel so lost now.

EDIT 1: Since I got a few questions about how she would give me my money back after I blocked her on everything. She can still send me money through zelle. In fact, she has already sent back a small amount back, only $60. However, I don’t completely expect her to give it all back.

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