I need some advice on how to talk to my boyfriend about me not working anymore. I’m 28 and he’s 30. We’ve been together for 5 years and we’re planning to get married. Last year, he made enough from crypto and online gambling to retire, so he’s now sitting on multiple 7 figures and makes passive income that far exceeds my $40k a year salary.

I enjoy my job, but it’s not my passion, and I’d love to spend more time focusing on things I truly care about, maybe even starting a project or going back to school. I’m just not sure how to bring this up without sounding like I’m trying to mooch off him or that I don’t appreciate the value of hard work.

He’s always been supportive and generous, and I believe he’d be open to the idea, but I want to approach this delicately. I don’t want to create any resentment or make him feel pressured.

How should I bring up the conversation? Has anyone been in a similar situation where their partner’s financial situation drastically changed the dynamics of the relationship? How did you navigate it? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

TL;DR: My boyfriend (30M) made enough to retire last year, and I (25F) want to discuss quitting my $40k job to pursue passions. How do I bring this up without causing issues?

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