I’ve (27f) been part of friendship groups in the past, but I learnt over time that they weren’t really my kind of people who weren’t thoughtful or have my back like I would theirs, so I walked away assuming I’d pick more up along the way as I matured. I’ve instead noticed over the past few years that I have zero friends, and honestly the loneliness is starting to set in. I constantly see on socials media girls going out, tagging each other in posts and general lovely chat yet I can’t think of one person I’d be able to do that with. My dilemma here is I cannot understand why this is, I’m not one to be big headed but I’m pretty confident in saying I’m an outgoing & caring person with a big heart, lot of conversation and laughs to offer. I’ve put myself out there to new people probably an icky amount at this point, at my own heart’s expense, such as suggesting meeting for a walk or coffee, but none have taken me up on this. I’m a bit embarrassed admitting all of this to myself as I’m 27yo and think this should be the time of my life to make lifelong friends. It’s really starting to hurt my feelings and make me question myself, my partner thinks it’s others just being wrapped up in their own lives. Anyone else in the same position or had experience in dealing with these feelings? How can I be an 27yo with no mates, despite all my efforts?

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