okay, so…i parted ways with a former close friend recently. nothing dramatic.
now they directly asked me if i want to officially end things.
it feels pretty awkward?
i’m not sure how to respond to that.
i’m ok with “ending things”, but how exactly do direct goodbyes like this work?
i don’t want things to end up in bad terms but it feels inevitable this way.
what would you do/say?

  1. What I said to someone I cut ties with was “listen, I just answered the phone to let you know I’m in a weird place in my life rn so I’m pulling away from everyone and taking some time in solitude. You won’t be hearing from me, but you don’t need to worry about me either. If I change my mind, I’ll let you know.” Maybe not the most couthful, but I tried. They’ve called and texted since but I just don’t answer.

    What let me know I needed to do this is when they got in a position of power over me they switched up. Happened twice. Then when the dynamic goes back to them not having power over me, they act completely different. This let me know that my time of need is just opportunity to power trip in their eyes, and that’s the last fucking thing I need to deal with in a time of need. So it was duces for me. I forgave them the first time. When they pulled the same shit again, I was done.

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