I dont know if this is even the right subreddit to ask this in but here goes;

Yesterday my mom made a really insensitive joke about a topic that she KNOWS I don't take lightly to.
I'm aware and always was aware that her intentions in that moment were not to hurt me or point out my insecurities, but to make a joke.

I responded by telling her that I didn't find the joke funny and that it actually quite hurt me in a (in my opinion) lighthearted way. At that time, she just brushed it off, no apology, and even lowkey doubled down on. I just tried laughing it off, but I was palpably tense the rest of the evening.

Today in school, I thought back to the moment and realised that, even if I knew it was unintentional, her words still did hurt me, and I wanted at least an apology, to know that she's sorry.
I texted her saying that the situation yesterday did hurt me, that i knew she didnt mean to, but that I was sad that even after I'd pointed it out, she hadn't apologized.
She responded by telling me that she isn't responsible for my feelings, that I know it wasn't to hurt me, and that knowing that already substitutes an apology. We've had a little back and forth during which she'd grown increasingly agitated and just refused to take any responsibility, basically telling me it's not her fault I'm hurt because of what she said.

As of now, I'm unsure as to wether or not I'm right in even wanting an apology for this, especially with her telling me that she's not responsible for my feelings and stuff.

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