What is the sneakiest thing you’ve done to catch your SO cheating?

  1. Not proud of it, but I’m glad I did it, this was back in college

    Made a fake account on Facebook, used AI tools to generate fake photos, used a website that added fake comments from other fake profiles to my page to make it look more real

    Added my boyfriend and talked to him, told him I was someone on campus and his name popped up in the recommended friends section of Facebook

    Asked him about his girlfriend (Me) And he said “Oh no, that’s my ex, I’m single, I just haven’t updated my profile”

    Screenshotted everything, sent it to him, broke up with him the next day, was too angry to be sad.

  2. I put infidelity as one of the reasons (required) in the divorce paperwork for mediation. I was pretty sure he was but didn’t have a smoking gun. He cheated on me long prior to that so I technically wasn’t lying. Get the divorce finalized. He tells one of our adult kids he was cheating because I wouldn’t put out. He assumed that was why I filed for divorce, that I had somehow found out. Not over his years of abusive behavior and acting like an unhinged monster and being a massive alcoholic.

  3. Convinced his dad to give me the log in information to look at the phone log (we were under his account). I told his dad that my phone was acting up so I wanted to log in and check my phone line (lol). He gave me his info, i printed my now-exs phone record while he was at work. I told his mom about my suspicion. She sat there and called every number on that list until we hit jackpot. It was so obvious. The girl sounded nervous and made up some bs story about how my ex would give her bf a ride to work. The calls were made very early in the morning and the texts stopped around the time he came home. We had just had a baby as well so it was a really sad and difficult time but i packed my and my babies clothes and i left the next day. Nothing ever came of whatever he had going on with her and he’s cheated on every gf hes had after me, including the girl that’s now his wife. I dodged a life of misery. This was 12 years ago and i still believe i made the right choice.

  4. Told him my std Panel came back positive for chlamydia. (I lied) He’d been denying it up to that point. And when I told him I had it his reactions was “She told me she was clean!”

  5. This was very recent. I was dating a man and for some odd reason I had suspicions that he was seeing someone else. This is not normal for me I’m not insecure. He was playing a game on his phone with his sister and fell asleep. His phone screen stayed open. I waited five minutes. While he was falling asleep I kept tapping his phone screen to keep it open. Then I went straight through his texts and saw he was lying about exclusivity. I woke him up told him what I had discovered. I lied and said I went through his call log and saw he was calling this girl every night and I was disgusted. (I hardly went though his texts and did not go through his call log) He admitted to everything. I left him the next morning. I was too tipsy to leave that night. He had to tell so many lies about himself to keep me interested that I genuinely didn’t even know who he was anymore. I have ZERO regrets. His dumb ass tried to make me apologize for going through his phone when he woke up. He cried, he shook, he begged me to stay, he said he loved me he pulled out all the manipulation tactics and I still left. It’s not worth staying. All men don’t cheat. My dad has never cheated on my mom and they have been married since their 20ies and are in their 60ies. There is better for you and for me 🙂

  6. My ex changed her password in her phone so I couldn’t have access to it. She would be texting a LOT and smiling so I would just ask who she was talking to and she’d respond “nobody” , and also would either put her phone down face down or tilt the phone away from me if we were sitting next to eachother. Found that suspicious (I would use her phone to look something up in the car or change music and this is how I found out). So, also not proud of it, but I snooped through her smart watch and read text messages between her and another girl and the messages were VERY sexual and flirty.

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