I really need some advice guys, I’m in a bit of a pickle and inside my own head massively. For context we have been together 5 years have a mortgage in the UK and a daughter age 1.

A few weeks back my partner told me she wasn’t happy and wanted to see what we could go do work on our relationship. Which was good it seemed she wanted to work on it. I made more effort and I felt she wasn’t quite giving the same, I felt something was up.

I checked her phone (I know that’s bad, I never usually do this). But I had a bad feeling and found she was messaging some guy who had been liking all her instagram pictures. They were going to meet for a coffee… it wasn’t sexual texting but specifically mentioned that she didn’t want me to know…

I confronted her, she apologised said she was sorry it was a blip, a mistake won’t happen again as she wants to focus on us.

A few days later she went out for the first time in a while for drinks, she got very drunk and I just couldn’t help but check and could see she had been searching for him again on instagram and facebook. By this point I made sure she unfollowed him on everything so she couldn’t see anything. But it means he’s in her head.

The guy has a baby on the way too and is planning to meet my partner, real scumbag if I can say so.

I just don’t know where to go from here, I confronted her on that again and she apologised once more said she was drunk she shouldn’t have done it she hasn’t messaged him and is not even attracted to him. I feel a bit lost, heart broken, lost trust in the one person I had trust and I want advice on how I go forward. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

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