I'm approaching 40, been working 40+ hour weeks since my mid 20s. It was always a given to grow up and work a full-time job. I usually work about 45 hour weeks plus a few hours commuting/prepping/leaving early. As my kids get older and I've advanced in my career, I find the one thing really lacking in my life is time. I am not wealthy, but money is no longer the stressor it was when I was younger. I've had a few conversations lately with friends, family, and colleagues about my long-term career goals, and I find that the thing I want more than anything else is to work fewer hours. Innovative projects, interesting collaborations, or financial bonuses just don't have the same appeal to me. I want time to spend with my family, do projects around the house, play video games, rediscover my passion for music, and workout. I submitted a few resumes to places that emphasize work life balance and found a job that would be 4 days a week (in-person once a week), with benefits that is about a 30% paycut plus slightly more expensive health insurance. ~48 hours down to ~36 hours. I would still be on track to retire in my 60s and help my kids out with college but would need to cut back on things like vacations and have a smaller nest egg for retirement.

Curious to hear from others who made the decision to focus more on work life balance and how satisified you are with that decision.

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