hi! i don’t really know where to go with this problem, this should probably discussed with a professional, but, you know. i’m kinda ashamed. my country and healthcare is not very advanced either.

19f. every single time i try to masturbate, to have sex or engage in any kind of sexual activity — i have flashing images of my ex partner, memories where we did anything similar. the thing is — it’s not because he is hot or anything, it’s not because i miss him — i DONT miss him. he was an abuser i barely left with the tremendous amount of help from other people, it’s the person i hate, the person whose name mention makes me uneasy.

because of that, i can’t relax during any sexual activity, because those “flashbacks” are ruining the mood, make me tense and uncomfortable, not wanting to proceed further. what ways i can ease this? i really don’t know how to proceed with that, and it bothers me a lot.

if my post doesn’t meet the subreddit topic – please leave a link to where i can ask this before deleting it. thank you.

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