I’m on tiktok hearing what ick is. A woman explained it by telling others that if your ick is something small that is enough to have you lose attraction to a guy/gal, then you never liked them to begin with. Which makes sense. Like why they need to find a reason to opt out of dating someone if they just never liked them? Yall have an ick, not a red flag, that made you wanna live a person you thought you liked?

  1. I’m not on tiktok so I don’t know what they’re defining it as there but I definitely get “icks.” It’s always in an early dating setting. For me, it’s the turning point of realizing I’m not as interested or compatible with this person as I thought so small, inconsequential things start to annoy me when I would usually find them endearing. It’s a sign to cut things off. I’ve never gotten an “ick” from someone I’ve been in a long-term, loving relationship with.

  2. >ick is something small that is enough to have you lose attraction to a guy/gal

    So why would you wanna date someone not attracted to you?

    And please, don’t take something ya read on TikTok as factual

  3. Someone mirroring me. Don’t know if its a red flag but it makes me uncomfortable

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