So me and my wife just had a newborn. And don’t give me wrong. I love my daughter, but she is stressful. Tonight I went to TopGolf with a few friends from church and it felt so good to just get out the house and laugh. However, I felt so bad about leaving my wife alone with the baby even though she told me to go out I can see that she is miserable and I feel like if I don’t share it with her or constantly around her, I’m not properly doing my job as husband or dad. Like she deserves days out too but her time is sometimes limited due to our very demanding child. And she’s breastfeeding. I feel like I’m not doing enough and I feel like a crap person.

Edit: Thank you all for your encouraging words and suggestions. We talked last night. She looked at me like I was crazy and told me I do more than my share in taking care of our daughter and giving her a break and she wanted me to go out and decompress. She kind of giggled at me.

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