My(17m) sister(15f) has been becoming more aggressive and volitle against me since I started trade school last August.

My schedule now that I am in trade school is quite lax so I can be home early on many days, I go to school at 9 and usually come back at 2 but it depends on the day as school ends when you finish your work.

My sister has been progressively getting more and more pissed off that I am home when she comes back from school, it's reached the point of her slamming open doors pissed off and yelling at me if I even went to school.

Her schedule is more strict as she has multiple extracurriculars and her classes don't follow the same rules as mine.(she's attending a normal middle school) and usually she ends around 3, so obviously when she comes home I'm home already doing my own thing after school.

When I started at my school I was relatively there later than I am now, mostly because I was just getting used to the rhythm of work. But now I am accustomed to it and am pretty OK at it.

Though again, as months passed she got more and more angry. And questioning if I even went to school, I attend every day but apparently since I'm home whenever she comes back it means I didn't go? I don't really get it.

I've been blaming it on stress as she's graduating soon but I feel like it's getting out of hand with her tearing open doors and yelling the moment she realises I'm home. It's honestly scaring me with how she is getting and our parents aren't doing anything to really step in cause either they aren't around to see it or don't seem to notice.

Any advice for how to maybe try and figure out why she has become such an antagonist would be greatly appreciated.

This isn't the only thing she does but I think it's the main issue that can't be blamed on "teenage girls just being a pain in the neck sometimes" like several of her other stuff which is more mean girl bully behaviour than actively violent. She isn't usually the type for this stuff and I'm concerned.

Tldr: my sister is becoming more physically violent and I am concerned about what she is doing as I don't see why she is doing this.

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