As a young woman with a widowed mother who has been alone for around 17 years now, I’ve always wondered what it felt like to be without your loved one. Due to my mental disability, I find it difficult to put myself in other people’s shoes. My mother and I moved around a lot, foreign countries were English was very much second nature to locals. China, Singapore not so much… foreigners in these countries often times keep to themselves. Coworkers in the foreign teaching industry either already have fully fledged families, are straight out of college, or British…
So yeah, it hasn’t been the easiest time for her. Sometimes she expresses to me how lonely she feels, emptiness. I can’t relate and find myself speechless.

If anyone else would like to share their experiences either being on my side in this thread or on the other, I invite you to share. Have a blessed evening everyone.

Note: No hate to the British folks out there! There’s just so many of you guys in China, it’s crazy 🤪

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