A while back I started texting a bit with a girl, who I thought was pretty neat, and eventually ended up meeting with her. My only goal was to make a friend, not anything romantic. After we met she suddenly stopped messaging back and I didn’t take it personally and moved on. But now I got invited by a common friend of ours to go somewhere and she’ll most likely be there. So my questions are the following:

-Should I try talking to her and if I should, how do I do it since we’ll be in a semi-large group?
-What do I say if we get talking?
-If I get a chance, how do I invite her to hang out and don’t make it seem like a date (because I don’t want it to be)?

1 comment
  1. I’ve had similar experience like this before. If she has stopped texting you, then probably she has moved on, met another guy and is just ghosting you. You mentioning in the post about her and saying you have moved, really means that you’ve not.

    When you go at that gathering try to ignore her as much as possible, if she genuinely still wants to be with you, she’ll connect with you by herself.

    I’ve learnt that sometimes we men just give too much of our time to girls how have moved, and in the end we just start to hate ourselves.

    Just don’t dwell on her man. I’ve wasted so much of my time in a situation like this, and there was a time, when I started to question myself. Life’s is big, you’ll meet other girls. Enjoy with your other genuine friends.

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