I’ve just had past experiences with my friends getting way too involved in my dating life and this is new and I want to keep it as far from them as possible. I think I want to keep my relationship completely separate from my friendships in general, is that a normal thing to do? Sure I’d love for them to all get along but right now I don’t want these two worlds meeting till I’m very sure I’m serious about this boy and he is about me as well.

  1. Are you a guy or gal. I think fundamentally guy and girls interact different around their friends relationship.

  2. What feels best and right for you is what you should be doing.

    Having people involved often invites their thoughts and judgements. You absolutely have the power and freedom to choose what you want to do. Normal or not is only a matter of perception. One person may look it as weird. Another person may look it as private. Another person may look it as exclusive. Another person may not even care. Sometimes people are living in perceptions of how they view you rather than how you see yourself.

    My question for you would be why are you questioning your decision? Why is there a part of you that requires validation for this decision you have made? Is there a need you may have dismissed? Is it a need for support?

    Could it be because you are used to sharing it with your friends for support in your dating life, now you made this decision, you are looking elsewhere for support? Of course, it would be for you to dive deep and check-in with yourself.

    Otherwise, I wish you all the best in your relationships!

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