I'm planning on posting two photos where I am in nature. It's your average instagram photo. I'm not making any silly faces or anything – I'm just posing normally but i thought it would be cool to have a funny caption.
I was planning on writing "where i end up after following google maps directions" and maybe even add "i wad looking for the library" in parentheses.
I'm the type of person that jokes around often irl so idk why my instagram shouldn't reflect that. Also my jokes are received well most of the time. It's a personal instagram so I have around 200 followers most of which I know irl.
The thing is I don't have any close friends (ok maybe i have like 2) or friends that really "get" me. So I'm afraid it's going to be seen as "cringe" more than "funny". I'm kinda at a stage in life where I mostly have "acquaintances" so I don't wanna be seen as "weird" as it can hinder my chances at making these people my actual friends.

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