I had lunch by myself today. It’s not something I do a lot so I noticed how there weren’t as many women eating alone as there were men. I am just wondering why that is? Do you as a woman eat out alone or do you go out in pairs/groups? Why?

  1. I view eating out as a social activity, so I I prefer not to do it by myself. If I am alone, I will either grab something quick and eat in my car/office/at home or just cook at home. But no judgement at all to women and men who eat out alone!

  2. I like doing it, I love trying new places to eat even if I go alone I find it a way to come out of my comfort zone so it’s very enjoyable

  3. Yes. I’m pretty busy all the time but I am an introvert. I really enjoy my alone time and sometimes i don’t want to be around others but I still want to go out? I want to put on headphones, cease to talk unless I have to, and just be with myself whether that’s at a cozy cafe, a diner, a picnic in the park, or a small breakfast at the library.

    To note though, while I avoid people during the days i want to be alone. I usually meet people that become like a short term companion whether that be the table I’m next to or the workers lol

  4. Depends on the context and situation. When I worked in a downtown office with restaurants and food trucks nearby, I often went out to lunch by myself, though I might not be eating in the restaurant itself if the weather was nice enough to eat in the courtyard or park.

    If I’m at home by myself or something, I’m very unlikely to go out by myself to eat at a restaurant because I don’t have any reason or desire to. If I’m out running errands and lunch time happens while I’m still out, I might stop for lunch.

    If I’m going out to eat by myself, I try to choose places that have single seating or 2-seat settings so that I’m not taking up a large table.

    >Do you as a woman eat out alone or do you go out in pairs/groups?

    So, I will go alone and have many times when it was the most practical option, but I likely wouldn’t do so just for me with no other reason (like being at work, running errands, etc). If I’m going out to a restaurant just because, I’m more likely to do it as a social occasion with friends, family, or my partner.

  5. If I eat out alone I would eat at the bar, make conversation with the bartender. But then you run the risk of someone hitting on you when you’re a single woman at a bar.

    Or a deli on my lunch break, I’ve done that a few times.

    I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable eating at a table at a nicer restaurant by myself. I just view it as a social thing.

  6. I like eating out alone because I am at peace. No one is bothering me and I don’t have any distractions.

  7. I don’t have a problem with it depending on where I’m at. For instance, if I’m traveling somewhere by myself I’m more likely to eat out on my own vs somewhere near my house where I can invite a friend to join or bring the food home

  8. I love dining out alone. I can take my time or not. Providing I’m not outside of my expense zone, I can spend as much or as little as I want. The restaurant type, location, and cuisine decisions are wholly mine. Dining alone means I get time to myself without having to compromise with anyone.

  9. Only if i’m stuck waiting for an appointment will i go out and eat alone. Otherwise it’s too expensive to justify a meal by myself.

    Same with movie theatres. I’ve been by myself when i need to kill a couple hours.

  10. It depends on where I am. I travel a lot. Some cities it’s completely acceptable (and common) to eat alone while others you’ll always feel like you’re getting judged.

    When I’m in NYC I love eating alone because lots of other people do it. I’ve had great convos with people that way, just by talking about the food and then knowing more about why they’re in the city etc. In Japan as well, no one bats an eyelid when you eat alone.

    In places like Seoul, however, I would not. There’s a very strong group culture there and when you dine alone, you stick out like a sore thumb. I’ve noticed stares before.

  11. I just don’t see the point of eating out of I’m alone, I guess. I feel like I’d be more comfortable getting takeout and having it at home in that case.

  12. Yes because I love food, I like alcohol and sometimes I need a change of scenery from my bedroom.

  13. Depends. I love eating out with others, but I’ve also really enjoyed meals on my own. I went traveling for several months on my own and I found myself eating alone in restaurants in Australia, India, South Africa, and the UK. Since I had no choice but to eat alone and I wanted time out of the room after a long flight or train ride, I welcomed it. I don’t do it often now that I’m not traveling but maybe I will. I love going to the movies alone so maybe I’ll do a dinner and movie date just me!

  14. I ate out alone at Panera Bread one day. I really enjoyed it. And I tried not to be on my phone too much and just enjoy the atmosphere and the food.

    Granted, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant like Chili’s or Applebee’s to eat out by myself just because I can much more easily get a to-go order and not take up a table, but I do enjoy my own company and that includes getting food alone sometimes.

  15. I’d prefer to eat at home, I like my cooking better than most restaurants. I find most restaurant food is on the bland side, with a few exceptions.

    Plus I’m a strict vegetarian and the two places I loved to go to closed permanently because of the pandemic.

  16. I eat out alone majority of the time for lunch, I’ve been getting invited for lunches sometimes though. It’s not so bad since I get along with the people inviting me, but when I’m alone I can have my own thoughts, eat and finish lunch on time (slow eater here), and also I like to walk around during my lunch time. Some people tend to sit and talk far too long, and that is not my style.

  17. It’s not my first choice. My first choice is eating at home watching a good tv show, alone or with somebody I care about.

    But if I’m eating alone I have my headphones and am watching something on my phone

  18. I don’t particularly enjoy it because generally if I’m eating out, it’s for the social experience. If I’m just refueling, I’ll cook my own food or get a takeaway to eat in my own private space.

  19. Yes, I do it 95% of the time I dine out. I can order everything I want and I don’t have to share or have someone look at me like, “You’re going eat all of that by yourself?”


  20. I do because I get to enjoy my food and take in my surroundings in a way that’s not possible with others.

  21. Love, love, LOVE it. A juicy novel on my tablet, a nice glass (or two) of Chardonnay, and whatever I want to eat… and don’t have to share! It truly is the best. Finish up in a decent amount of time, and tip your servers well, folks!

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