I (29M) have been dating a girl (28F) since roughtly 2 months and half. We met on a dating app, and so far things have been perfect between us. We spend a lot of time together, we communicate a lot, we freely share thoughts and opinions. Although, from the outside, we do seem a fully formed couple, we didn't really "officialize" it yet, so strictly speaking we are still just "dating". Nonetheless (important point), since we started dating we made extremely clear to each other that none of us was doing this just to have fun, or to have a nice time, but that we would rather attempt to build something very solid and lasting, potentially forever. We are both aware that we cannot know yet whether this will succeed, but at least we are both trying it with full commitment. We meet each other friends, and our respective parents are well aware of the presence of this potential relationship.

Now, my parents live quite far away from us (a different country, indeed). We are also of different citizienships, and for now we use english (which is neither of our native tongues) for communicating. In two weeks they will come to visit me. It is totally not related with her (they just come to visit me every year in this same period). So, I don't know whether I should ask her to meet them.

If we all lived in the same area, for sure I would wait a bit more before asking this. However, this is current situation, and if not now, potentially they could not meet anymore for a quite long time yet. I am sure that, if I told my parents that I would rather not introduce her to them even if they come here, they would ultimately understand, but still it would leave them a bit upset. On the other hand, I communicate a lot freely with her, so I think I could just ask her "I am proposing you to meet them, but please feel free to say no if you think that's too early", but in this case she would be implicitly biased if I did this so, to not leave me and them upset.

What are your thoughts?

PLEASE don't just answer with something like "2 months and half is too early: just wait". I know that. Please focus on the fact she and my parents wouldn't be able to meet just in any moment in the future for many, many months (even 1 year maybe), and this would be the only occasion for a long time.

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