I met an amazing woman in OLD. We’ll have our second date in the next days, so nothing serious happened yet. But I noticed that I’m having a conflict and I don’t want to mislead her:

she’s international, so we communicate in English (not the local language). For me alone, this wouldn’t be an issue at all. However, I have two kids, who do not speak English (3 and 6). I share custody of the kids with my ex wife, about 50/50. My date knows that of course. One thing that I’m aware of is though: she won’t even be able to communicate with the kids, so even after the normal waiting time of a few months, I probably won’t feel comfortable to introduce her to the kids.

How do I tell her that I really like her and I would usually be open for dating given the chance, but that this would severely limit our long term outlook. Or am I overthinking this and should see first where it goes?

  1. Why would this limit your long term outlook? I think we should cross that bridge when we get to it

  2. Assuming she lives in your country now, she’ll probably have to learn the language at some point anyway!

    I wouldn’t worry about it until it gets to that point, it’s only the second date, just see how things go

  3. You’re over thinking this! How cool would it be if this works out and you’re kids grow up bilingual because she speaks to them in English? There are both pros and cons to this. Go on the second date and if goes well then plan another. Take it one day at a time.

  4. Er… Why can’t your kids speak English?. Shouldn’t you get them some lessons?

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