Been seeing this girl for 5 dates now, coming up on 2 months since the first. I'm currently out of town on vacation.

We were texting lime we normally do, when she asked "Hey, harmless question but are you seeing anyone else by any chance?"

To which I replied (honestly) "Nope, not seeing anyone else haha". She said she was relieved, then we continued texting as usual.

I didn't want to follow up because that would lead to an exclusivity talk, which i want to have in person.

I asked her if she wanted to come over nexf tuesday (has never been to my place) and she said yes. Conversations still continued as normal.

But all of yesterday, out of nowhere, I'm just getting the most bland responses to my texts. Like she has never seemed more disinterested over text. I'm currently just waiting for her to initiate a convo until I confirm our date a couple days before.

I feel like this is related to my handling of her asking if I'm seeing anyone else. Should I ask her back, then mention talking about exclusivity next time I see her in person? I figured following up with our next date proposal after she asked me would be enough confirmation that I'm definitely interested in her, but maybe not.

Should I continue as I am to avoid coming off as clingy?

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