what makes someone a good listener?

  1. Paying attention, asking further questions about what you say, reacting appropriately, stuff like that.

  2. Being able to hear what the individual is saying and understanding without responding unless asked a question or was prefaced that they were looking for advice.

  3. When they don’t interrupt or throw in “well this happened to me”. Literally sit there and listen, but still engaged and not obviously daydreaming

  4. Read up on ‘active listening.’ It’s not just about paying attention, it’s also about interacting in a way that shows you were paying attention.

  5. Don’t try to interject when the other person is speaking and ask meaningful follow up questions to show that you were paying attention.

  6. Actually listening, and being open-minded and not judgmental. Also being able to keep what you hear to yourself.

  7. People constantly say that I’m a good listener. So here’s what I do. The most important thing is to make the other person feel safe. Someone who feels safe around you will be much more likely to confide in you. Focus on what is being said. Listen carefully and let the person speak. Make eye contact if it is desired. Don’t force it! Some people can be shy or anxious in conversations. You can repeat things that have been said to you and try to remember things that have already been told to you by the person. This shows that you are an attentive listener. Take a step back and don’t talk too much about yourself but share your experiences if you think you can help the person. Ask questions and show that you are genuinely interested in what is on the person’s mind. Try not to judge. Make the person feel that they can trust you.

  8. Listening…..That is not a joke answer lol. Simply listening and not talking more than short responses (I totally agree, or I would feel the same way, or very true, or oh wow or I totally understand). People often just need to vent and feel like they’ve been heard.

  9. Hearing and listening are two different things. You can hear the words coming from the other person and not listen because you’re thinking of how to respond. Listening is to understand where the other person is coming from while only responding if necessary.

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