Recently I (24f) found out that my boyfriend (28m) thinks my moaning is annoying and it breaks me a little.
Not because he thinks it’s annoying, but because he talked about it with someone else and not me.
A friend of ours told me what he told her and honestly it hurts. Why would he talk to someone about something private like that?
He’s never said anything about it, asked me to be more quiet or anything.

I asked our friend when he told her this and apparently it was more than a year ago. We’ve been together for 3. She didn’t exactly remember when but it’s been a while.
I’m not mad at her for not telling me sooner because he didn’t want her to say anything and she’s not the one to break someone’s trust. But she noticed I’ve been feeling bad about a few things in our relationship and thought I should know.

I’m curious to why he wouldn’t talk to me about it?
I’m going to talk to him, not mentioning that she told me. But I thought maybe someone have been in a similar situation and can give some advice?

  1. This is so disrespectful… you should definitely talk to him because this is not right at all

  2. Wow, what a betrayal of the relationship. That is hugely insulting and is completely out of line. How are you ever going to have sex with him again? That is all you’ll ever think about. Too bad your friend didn’t tell you when it happened so you didn’t waste another year+ with this asshole.

  3. Wtf thats so disrespectful. TBH if it was me I wouldn’t say anything and the next time we’d have sex I’d pretend to be a goddamn log, no noise no nothing lmao.

    I def think sitting down and talking to him might help you though, especially if it was a year ago MAYBE it was an offhanded comment? Even then it is so disrespectful and he needs to know that. Wish you the best of luck OP

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