So im hoping not to be jugded i just want some opinions ahah. So giving a bit of background im 30M and kind have a girlfrind. We are dating because it is a good phase in our life's but we know we are going to break up in the future. We have incompatible objectives in life and a big age gap.

So starting with my question, is that i have a big problem in my relationships, i have a really high libido and even if i have a lot of sex with my partners, i always feel the need of being with a new person. This has always been the reason for my break ups, is not that i do not love the other is just what my body feels and most times is stronger than me.

So im happy with this relatioship and want to be with her for a bit longer and just enjoy it. But in the last couples of weeks im feeling almost like exploding in terms of wanting to be with another person. Im trying to control myself because i like her a lot.

Last time i felt like that i just lost control and went to meet a friend and had sex with her. i told her i dont like lying and she didnt say much but i know she was sad. So i dont want this to happen again and im trying to calm myself not wanting to be with a new person. So i was thinking about hiring a sex worker just to watch her masturbate and touch her body while i masturbate myself, but dont know if its possible or if you have any other suggestion in my case.
I tought of this because im afraid of getting an std and trasmiting it to her even tho most sex workers in my country are clean… but its always a risk and that at the same time i could take care of my problem. But dont know what to do…

Sorry for the long text and for the mistakes, english is not my first language. thanks ❤️

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