TLDR: what should I do about my wife texting her male friend who is constantly making sexual advances to her?

My 'M38' wife 'F39' have been married for 19 years. I explained from the beginning how I felt about cheating, she promised me she would never do that to me. A couple years ago, one of her male friends (a boy she used to babysit) was apparently having a bad day and she wanted to go riding around with him. I explained to her my discomfort about it, and she promised me he was just a friend and that nothing will happen. A short time later, I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for 7 days (I am schizophrenic a long with other things). After I was released and returned home, my youngest daughter wanted me to take a walk with her, where she told me that the second day that I was gone, her "friend" came over and they spent the night together in our bed. Like an idiot, after about a week, I decided to try to work things out with her. The guy she cheated on me with has a brother that I know, and he and my wife have been texting for a while, and within the last year, I found out that he sends her texts saying "good morning beautiful", and tells her that if they have sex, she would remember it drunk or not, told her they should watch porn on his flat screen mirror, and a lot of other inappropriate things. I confronted her and she says that's how he's always been, and I told her it needs to stop. It's disrespectful, inappropriate, and uncalled for. She thinks I'm being ignorant for telling her to put a stop to it. She refuses, I told her it's how her and her her affair partner were texting and then she gets mad and tries to blame me. I also found that she was talking with 4 other men between 2021-2023 and she blamed me because I wasn't showing her any attention. This was when I was on strict bed rest for almost 6 months because I was dying from COVID. So am I being unreasonable wanting her to put an end to the conversations with her friend? What should I do?

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