I ran into a guy (more of an acquaintance) I used to play volleyball with while I was walking to work and we learnt we work in the same area. Two weeks later, he messaged me asking to catch up for coffee during our lunch breaks. He paid for coffee. The conversation was great but it was definitely “getting to know you” questions because we don’t know much about each other to “catch up”. There was no hugging hello/bye. He vaguely said it was nice to catch up and hopefully he would see me around.

I tried to ask indirectly if it was a date by asking what prompted him to ask me out for coffee. He said that when he told a mutual friend that we work in the same area, our mutual friend suggested we catch up during our break. I can’t tell if it was a date and I’m not sure if I should follow up with him since I haven’t heard from him? He is a very quiet, timid and shy guy so I’m surprised he asked me to catch up at all.

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