My (23F) boyfriend (22M) have a pretty regular sex life. We live together now, so sex is quite frequent. Before, when we’d see each other less often (and didn’t have a place of our own to have sex) I’d mostly suck his dick out of convenience. He would almost always cum. There’ve been a couple times he hasn’t and I’ve made a deal of it (regrettedly so). I felt very insufficient, insecure, and like a “failure”. This probably messed with him psychologically and now he may be overthinking it. We’ve communicated and worked things out (I should have never reacted that way), but I’m worried the damage has been done. (Note: He was still able to cum from head after these incidents took place, it’s up until recently he hasn’t been able to at all. )

We’ve lived together for the past two months and this has been an issue for about the last 3 weeks. I’ll suck his dick for 20-30 minutes putting my absolute best effort in, he’ll be physically shaking clearly enjoying it, but then he won’t cum. I’ve started to feel very insecure and I’ve asked him if I’m doing anything wrong and he says it feels absolutely amazing but he doesn’t know why he can’t cum. There’s been a few times where he says it feels like he did cum, but there is none.

He doesn’t masturbate anymore (because we’re able to have sex whenever we want). He still cums from sex but now he never cums from head. I’m doing my absolute best to reassure him and try not to mess with his mind psychologically, so that he might be able to cum from head again, but I feel very inadequate. Is there anything else I can do? Should we take a sex break? Did I forever ruin his nut?

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