Genuinely just curious. Also, if you write when you heard the advice and how it went, that would be great!

  1. Um well i definitely had alot of different perspectives which gave me more confidence lol

  2. I come here for wacky stories not relationship advice now and before. There’s too many different sorts of people to take advice from on something like relationships and the things that everybody can agree on are obvious, like if something’s a red flag or not (usually).

    I had a girl that I randomly met at work and had no major sparks right off the bat probably because I was jaded from trying to unsuccessfully date and she wore a mask to hide her beauty lol. Then she asked me out and was, according to her, so into me, she had to. I proposed to her last month and we’ve been together for a year.

    My experience has taught me that morals are way more important than is talked about. She says she saw that I was, “good”. It’s really nice to hear because I believe in trying to be moral and to have someone have similar takes and morals and see me that way is everything. A good person needs another good person and so many people are so focused on the outside world and what it can give them.

    Girlfriend, money, status etc.

    Sounds lame, but focus on yourself and push you’re boundaries when you’re in the mood. You got to kinda get lucky and put yourself in those opportunities.

  3. It did for me. One of my very first posts on Reddit, on my previous account, was asking when it was wrong to be talking to multiple people on dating apps. Around 31 or so, I started a new career that really helped me develop my self confidence, to the point that I was talking to quite a few women. And that wasn’t something I ever experienced before, so I was unsure how to navigate it ethically, because I would feel guilty when I was talking to or going on dates with multiple women at the same time.

    The advice I got was that just because I felt guilty didn’t mean I was doing something objectively wrong. But we all have our own moral and ethical lines, which are important to identify and adhere to. The person giving advice suggested I come up with a framework for myself to define what I was or wasn’t comfortable with, and that really helped.

    I eventually settled on a policy of cutting off conversations with other women after I’d gone on a second date with someone and intended on a third. I wasn’t expecting women to declare exclusivity at that point, but that was when I would focus all my attention on one person, for my own personal peace of mind.

    That advice really helped me stop myself from getting burned out or overwhelmed while dating, and it helped me keep a healthy perspective when I was the one getting rejected, since talking to multiple people and going on dates up until a certain point seems to be the norm.

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