How would you deal with your partner not prioritizing you, but they provide for you and you know you’ll have a secure future?

  1. If I didn’t feel like my partner loved and prioritized me in the same way that I love and prioritize my partner, then I’d leave. I can secure my own future without tying myself to someone who doesn’t truly care for me.

  2. I wouldn’t.If my partner didn’t prioritize me, I would choose to leave and find someone who values me. Financial security is important, but for me, emotional security and feeling valued in a relationship are paramount. I need a partner who prioritizes our relationship and protects my heart. I’ve experienced a situation where I wasn’t a priority, and I’ve learned that emotional safety is essential for my well-being. I wouldn’t compromise on that again.

  3. I’d consider what I truly need from my partner outside of financial security, basically evaluate my own priorities. Then, I’d have a conversation to voice my unhappiness and explain what I need in order for the relationship to survive.

    If our priorities towards the relationship and each other cannot align, then it’s a sign that we’re incompatible, and I’d consider ending the relationship.

  4. Depends on the economic position I was in, I guess, but in my current position (making enough money that I don’t need a partner to cover my expenses), that’s not something I would be willing to tolerate for very long. I’d rather be single than be with somebody who doesn’t see our relationship as important.

  5. Been in that relationship and resentment grew overtime. It’s one thing to be understanding of the million things they have going on but it’s another to put yourself on the back burner. I would just leave. I need someone that includes me in their decision making process and future planning. Maybe it would be different if my partner had enough self-awareness to acknowledge he wasn’t prioritizing us and reassured that the circumstances were just temporary.

  6. Your secure future depends on him not prioritising another woman (and file for divorce). I’d find such a situation very risky.

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