My husband and I both work shift work full time and have 2 small children. I constantly try not to compare the tasks that we complete but sometimes I feel like I’m running the ship alone. He does try, I know he does and he loves our children. But sometimes after a long week of work I come home and have to do damage control for the house, the bills, the groceries and the miscellaneous shopping for the kids, schedule doctors and dentists appointments. I’m burnt out. He offers to help and I’ve expressed my frustration before but he needs guidance and asks for a to-do list and honestly sometimes I don’t have the mental capacity or energy to do that for him every single time. I’ve even told him to just look around and see what I might need help with but that doesn’t usually work.

I think I am also feeling frustrated as a parent because when he’s home with the kids really nothing gets done around the house versus when I’m home or off at least a handful of chores are done, the grocery shopping is done and dinner is being made. Every so often I’ll come home and he’ll have things in order and an errand completed.

I hear so often that women are hard on their husbands and I try so so hard to avoid that situation but then by the end of the day I have no energy for myself. And at the end of the month I just feel like okay cool we got through another month I need to prepare to carry the next. It’s just hard, and I’m exhausted.

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