I’m specifically asking in reference to women saying “I don’t need a man, I want a man”

  1. Wanting you: She genuinely loves you

    Needing you: Needs a companion for a financial/emotional reason

  2. It should be relatively obvious. Is she bringing anything to your table or expecting you to bring everything?

  3. If a woman needs, it’s mostly like that ur rich. If a woman wants u genuine , then it’s most likely that she’s head over heels for u

  4. What’s the difference between want and need.
    That’s your homework for the day.

  5. A woman never needs a man unless she has serious issues. Men need women more than vice versa.

  6. Its actually worse because they are ungrateful and unwilling to work with a man. She’d rather vibrator her way through a conflict than admit she was wrong

  7. “Wanting”is about financial security. Needing is about being in love with you.

  8. Ok, so I’m a woman who has said that phrase and knows other women who have said that. Here’s another view:

    We don’t need relationships with you. We are capable of living on our own. But you add that something special to life and that makes us want you. For some of us, it’s a positive thing because we’re not using you, we genuinely want to be with a guy that we like. A woman who needs a man is one who becomes dependent and can’t do things on her own. She will do anything to keep a man because she needs a man around to function.

    Are there some women who use that phrase to show that they’re only interested in men as accessories to their own lives? Yeah, definitely. But that’s not the only meaning.

    Edit: also, I feel context is required for “need”. “Need” can be romantic or purely transactional. It depends on the person and how they mean it in that moment.

  9. Need – Long term
    Want – short term, she just wants the D. (or V, not judging)

  10. Needing is generally better because in their mind they can’t live without you if they need you. If they want you that can easily go away as soon as you marry them.

  11. Wanting requires something you are doing for them (providing financial stability) or too them (sex). That’s why needing you is much better. It just requires you being who they fell in love with no strings attatched.

  12. One will stay by you through thick and thin. The latter will possibly leave you if it’s convenient for her.

  13. I don’t want a woman to need me; I need her to want me.

    When you need food, you’ll eat the first thing you find.

    When you want a burger, you’ll turn down everything else but a burger.

    A woman doesn’t ever need YOU. If they say that, what they really mean is that they need SOMEONE, usually because there’s something they need from others to validate themselves. Whether that’s physical or emotional attention. As soon as you aren’t around to provide it, they’ll find someone else that will.

  14. Cuntfucious says: what a superior man seeks is his banana but what the small man seeks is other’s bananas.
    So something something potassium.

  15. My SO and I are both extremely independent and were very happy with our own lives when we met. We don’t “need” each other in any sort of financial or transactional sense. However, we are very much in love and “need” each other in the sense that we add a lot to each other’s lives and don’t want to live a life without that in it. In that sense we “need” each other.

  16. If they need one they are most likely insecure and just need someone they can be safe around. That or they’re not doing well either mentally or emotionally and need someone to rely on.

  17. One of them will boil the bunny, the other won’t.

    Be careful out there my dudes.

  18. I’m the same way. It means they are self-sufficient and independent. You’ll always want to be wanted more than you are needed. Keeps the relationships much more fun, fulfilling and balanced.

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