Ive had this friend for like 5 years, we where close but then other friends where made. We are apart of a 6 person friend group but thats not the point. I will call her C.

It not that big of a deal but its annoying my so much . Its another friends birthday and we plan to put all our money collectively to get a bracelet. A month ago it was my birthday and they also got me a bracelet, so i suggested we get her something different- ignored. Then I suggested to get her a tshirt merch from a band she liked as the was like 'we have to get her something more that £30, and saying that it was too cheap' and fair enough but we can also get her other things with the t-shirt. Then another friend chimed in saying ill ask her sister if there is anything and C was like GIve me her number begging for it. Then i realised that she's trying to be like this ringleader trying to make it seem like it was her idea even though its a group thing. When i offered the tshirt gift no one had anything to say.

Even though C is trying to be this ringleader, acting like she knows the bday girl so so so much even though she doesnt. They are in the same form yet she hangs out with another girl most of the time. The says oh she likes this and this but does hse really? like how can u say u know someone even though u barely talk to her like a second option.

So my question is, do i have the right to act like this?

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