I’m in a bit of a tough situation and could use some advice. My girlfriend and I are going to her cousin's wedding in half a month, and her mother is pressuring her to lose weight before the event. Her mom is insisting on an extreme method where they will only drink a specific "product" and not eat any food for a week.

I’m really concerned about the health risks associated with such a drastic diet. I feel like her mother is being completely unreasonable and downright irresponsible. I don't understand how someone, especially a mother, could be so insensitive and careless about their child's well-being. It makes me question her ability to be a nurturing parent.

Who could seriously believe that it's possible to lose weight and become thin within two weeks? It's absurd and lacks any common sense. I'm frustrated and angry that her mother is pushing such harmful ideas onto my girlfriend. Moreover, I feel like her mother is using my girlfriend as a means to show off to others. It's as if she values appearance over her own daughter's health and happiness. It's kind of selfish to me.

On top of all this, my girlfriend's physical condition isn't great. She's already a weak girl and lack of energy. Subjecting her to such extreme measures could have serious consequences for her health.

I want to gently express my worries to my girlfriend about the potential health risks of such an extreme diet. I think it would be beneficial for her to speak with a healthcare professional or dietitian about safer ways to manage weight. Additionally, I’d like to suggest healthier and more balanced weight management practices that are sustainable. I already communicated with her, but she said that it remains the same, because that's her mother, she just follows what she says.

I love my girlfriend and want her to be healthy and happy. But I am freaking out of dealing with my "Future Mother-in-Law" because she is a f*** stubborn and just listen to what she likes. Has anyone else dealt with a similar situation? How did you handle it? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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