I (27M) have been seeing a girl (27F) for a couple months. We recently decided to make it official. However, there are a couple things that just have me feeling some type of way and I can't really figure out if it is me just overthinking things or if this is the real deal.

To start off with, we get along GREAT! We both genuinely get lost in each others presence, we laugh together constantly, we share the same values, enjoy the same activities and I am in awe of the way she thinks and perceives the world. For the first time in my life, I genuinely feel like I want to marry and spend my life with this person.

But where we differ, she is very logical (I am too but I've allowed/taught myself to become alot more "emotionally open/available" as this was something that negatively affected my previous relationships) and as a result, she is not very emotionally forthcoming AT ALL! She is very guarded by her own admission. But I suppose the more we hang out, the more I have been getting her to lower her guard. But that's the problem! Our entire relationship up until this point has been completely driven forward by me. I plan all the dates/when we'll hang out, she's a terrible texter so we don't really talk over text and even then I'm initiating those conversations and I've moved at the pace that she has been comfortable with (myself too). We've kissed, had sex etc but the fact that she's not really doing anything to show me that she wants to be with me outside of me constantly wanting to hang out with her makes me feel like she doesn't really like me or I'm being needy (which makes me want to be nonchalant and distant – something I won't allow myself to go back to).

I guess I'd like some advice or insight or thoughts on what to do.

tldr: I've been seeing a girl who doesn't take any proactive steps to hang out or text but claims that she really likes me and we recently decided to make it official but I'm having second thoughts

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