So this is a bit of a tough situation. In summary, I have a group of friends online with whom I play videogames sometimes. I usually play with my best friend and its one of the things I value and enjoy most.

Thing is, there's this guy in the group that I dont like. I dont want to go into detail but for a long time i've been feeling like he doesn't really care about anyone else and he's really egocentric and selfish. For a long time i've been baffled by the fact that the rest of the group seems to be fine with him but I mostly politely ignored him.

However, recently this guy saw my friend talking about me and him playing and asked if he can join us, and my friend said yes absolutely.

I dont really like this for obvious reasons, but it's hard for me to do anything in this situation. I've already coexisted with this guy for over a year so to reveal that I dont like him would be an absolute shocker and possibly create drama, but at the same time I really dont want him to meddle into our friendship.

Maybe this sounds kinda harsh but I really appreciate the time I spend one on one with my best friend and I love gaming with him alone, so this guy joining in would be a real bummer for me. If it was somebody I got along with then I think I could take it, but this guy just makes me feel miserable.

What do you think I should do?

Tldr: friend that I dislike wants to join in my best friend and I's gaming sessions and I dont know what to do about it

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