Does anybody here that is exceptionally attractive or some sort of chick magnet that goes long periods of time without sex?

  1. Married a long time. Celibacy started after the first bite of wedding cake and poverty soon followed.

  2. Unless they are a man of the cloth and even then questionable no guy actively participates in it by choice.

  3. I’ll have periods where I have no intention to date, approach, or use apps. Don’t tease any leads out. And because pussy doesn’t just fall out the sky I’ll be celibate. Like 4 years building up a pratice that COVID killed. and I’ve decided to be a massive slut for 2022 and its going *okay*

  4. Im sure saying you’re practicing celibacy is just a defense mechanism for some that find it very difficult to get sex.

  5. Kinda.

    I could go on Grindr and find a hookup, but I choose not to, because I’m no longer interested in casual sex. I want something more than just casual sex, but unfortunately, sex is all I’m ever offered, lol.

  6. yes, no less than 45% of men aged 18-30 in all westernized countries, and about 80% of married men at some point, practice celibacy. Not their choice.

  7. Some people would say I do even though I would disagree with calling it celibacy.

  8. There was a period of time when I slept with too many different women that after I was disgusted with myself so much that I decided to be celibate. Lasted like 2 weeks

  9. Yeah… But I’m in my 40s. Ive had enough of it in my past and now it’s old news. It was worth the drama and effort back when it was exciting…. Now it just looks like something that is slightly nice… But not worth dealing with the social issues that develop from the act.

    Id just rather stay nice and cordial with women… Rather than entering the phase where she starts to feel owed something. Like I said… I was more than happy to pursue it back when horemones were raging, but now i’d rather just push myself away from that table.

    Edit add: just saw your followup question. I wouldn’t call myself a total chick magnet… But I am pursued often still. I’ve never been turned down…. but I also have only asked out women that ive already made a connection with.

  10. Been with my partner for 9 years, living together for almost 3. We still enjoy each other 2-3 times a week. No children nor planning to.

  11. I do, actually, or at least I’ve tried. In fact I do it for myself, and because I would love to tell my future wife that I’ve never had sex with a woman before her. I know I would love that too (but now, I have not put those expectations on anyone anymore, people are free to do whatever they want and I am nobody to judge them 🙂 ). Plain and simple. Also, because I am a practicing Catholic.

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