I was talking to this girl for about a week before I asked her out. We spoke all the time during that week and the conversations were great. They were going back and forth and it was good.

She told me that she was sick of just talking to people on dating apps and it not leading anywhere. She told me she was looking for something serious and long term.

I said I was looking for the same which was true. She was happy because she said that it’s hard to find people who want the same thing as most people just want flings.

I thought this was the right time to ask her out and I did and she said yes.

I was pretty happy and organised the date. Activity, time and place after she told me when she’d be available and what area she lives so we could meet half way. After I sent that message she opened it and didn’t respond.

I just assumed she might of been busy and left it for a couple of days. 2 days later I sent her a snap and she responded to it. Then we just had a normal chat about our weekends and then I asked again if she was still interested. And she just opened the message.

I’m just a little confused about what happened. What did I do wrong?

I spoke to some friends and they said I didn’t do anything wrong. While a few others said I may have over planned the date or just been annoying.

TL:DR Met a girl online, spoke for a week, both were looking for the same thing, I asked her out she said yes, I organised the date and she never responded again.

  1. Well, I’d have to see the exact communication to have a clear idea.

    My *guess* is that she either just wasn’t that interested (aka you did nothing wrong) and was just looking for someone to talk to/give attention or maybe she changed her mind/someone else came along.

    Really tough to know tbh.

  2. Doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong. That just sounds like online dating sometimes. I had a girl ask me out on a date one time. I said yes and asked what part of town she was in so we could plan where to meet and I never heard from her again. I know she was a real person too, because I still see her active Venmo transactions in my feed to this day I guess because it loaded in my contacts.

  3. Just because she got cold feet, chickened out and lacked basic civility to even respond makes you believe your in the wrong? Nah dude, your all good, don’t sweat it. She ghosted you coz she is one of those people who doesn’t practise what she preaches. Laments about being tired of ABC, enables ABC to continue as usual.
    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”- Carl Jung

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