So lately ive noticed that people make fun of me, hate me, underestimate me, they all answer me angry and that surprises me bc people always had a good relationship with me and never did this to me, even my parents treat me badly and rudely. All people have been rude to me lately. Is it possible that I object a lot of their opinions, is it possible that I am angry lately ( i get angry and cant control it even in my voice i get like so much angry and having anger over small things or when somebody says something to me so that maybe it ? ) I often get angry if they misunderstand me, I don't know. I have a friend who behaves badly with everyone and they don't say anything to him, and when I behave like him, they immediately attack me and become rude to me. I don't know what the problem is, everyone is talking shit about me , trolling me , laughing at me of the way i speak and talking behind my back. It has never been like this, so I ask what the problem is?And also people are laughing at me when i talk , like i havent said anything funny and they laugh i know that laughing is great rather than being angry or crying but i just dont feel right when someone is laughing for my talking i also have serious sense of homour but when i talk about serious things they laugh at me again

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