So we got married in September for 2 reasons 1) we love each other but also 2) because my wife is not a US citizen and the visa process was hell. Getting married solved the paperwork problem for her. If we didn’t get married we would have to break up because she wouldn’t be allowed to stay here. But we had only been going out for a year, also, I had a lot more money saved than her, approximately 100k difference. So we got a prenup with a sunset clause of 6 years and she was happy to do so. But sometimes she becomes unhappy when she remembers we have a prenup. For me the prenup was just in case we get a divorce but now it might be the reason we get a divorce. It makes her so unhappy she yells at me. She has this problem generally too, when she becomes angry she yells and it makes me sad to think that this is my life now, being with someone who yells at me. I want her to not be angry at me so getting rid of the prenup is tempting but I also don’t want to get fucked if we get rid of the prenup and our relationship sours for a different reason.

EDIT: Thanks for your takes, I really appreciate it. A lot of people here are saying she doesn’t really love me and she’s just using me for the visa and wants my money when we divorce. I understand your point of view. But she’s Chinese, and I’m Chinese American. I understand her perspective from a Chinese point of view that a prenup is really weird and makes it not a real marriage.

EDIT 2: Everyone telling me I’m in an abusive relationship and I should divorce her, I get it. But a divorce isn’t that simple, she just got her green card for 2 years and apparently i’m on the hook to support her financially even if our marriage doesn’t work out? Right now I’m trying to set us up with a marriage counselor to see if we can work through it because I do believe there are aspects to our situation that are inherently unfair to her. The prenup she did sign under threat of leaving the country so maybe it was under duress.

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