I know this is more of a manners questio, and has probably been asked before. Thank you for your time and effort.

  1. Answer if your in the queue, then when you get to the check out/it’s your turn and your approaching the checkout say “hold on, I’m just at the checkout” and focus on the person serving (hello, thank you, no I don’t need a bag, have a good day too etc) and packing/paying then resume your call properly when leaving the till/left the till.

  2. I would say make sure you’re done before it’s your turn. Either put them on hold while you’re at the register or call them back, but make sure you give the clerk your attention, it’s rude to ignore them or be dismissive

  3. Please don’t text or be staring at your phone, scrolling through social media while your in the process of being checked out. So many people have held up my line that way. I get done ringing them up sooner then they care to snap back to reality. Like 5 minutes of me waiting for them to pay

  4. Scream the conversation into the phone. Use the term “Chief” whenever possible. And complain about the price of bagels. Swearing alot is a plus, as is bringing 50 items to the 20 or less line.

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