This is my situation – I would love some advice as I keep going over and over things in my head. I (34F) have recently been feeling very emotionally checked out in the relationship with myself and my boyfriend (30M) of 1 year. I was trying to understand why and maybe looking for proof of why I felt this way – I looked through his Instagram following. There I saw he has been mutually following at least 3 OnlyFans profiles of creators who are located in our city, as well as about 20 random, women in our city. He moved to my city from overseas – we met after he'd been here 2 weeks. There is no way he would have met this people "in the wild" not least as his job is male dominated.

When we first met, I mentioned I was uncomfortable with the amount of womens accounts that he followed. He apologised and promised to unfollow. He unfollowed most. Since then I tried not to look, and tried to trust him.

The creators are a specific niche or fetish which I would describe as "wife sharing". He's met up, or tried to meet, right? Or is this just browsing porn, and something normal?

When I confronted him he acted appalled like the accounts had inappropriately sought him out. I'd be stupid to believe it… But I need confirmation… I have trouble trusting myself and others.

Should I break up with him over this? He is making me feel that I'm overreacting.

TLDR – My boyfriend of 1 year follows OnlyFans creators in our city, which makes me think he has/wants to meet them. Do I break up, or is this a minor thing that can/should be worked out? If so, how? Is his behaviour normal?

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