I have wanted to start experiencing uni more, going to uni events and making friends on my course. I’ve struggled with being social and wanting to be around people, but a recent feeling of extreme loneliness pushed me to try something new. Initially I told my boyfriend I wasn’t for going to events, specifically parties and clubs and things like that. I’m still not, but recently went to a games night and enjoyed it more than I thought. I told him it would be a one time thing and that I probably wouldn’t like it, because of the type of person I am, but to my surprise it was very enjoyable.

There are more events that are going on during this summer, that people host randomly and I told my boyfriend that I would like to go to more, as I want to make memories and have a bit of fun whilst in uni, ( but obviously with boundaries.) However he’s completely against it and would rather me stay indoors, missing out on all this.

I know I did tell him it’d be a one time thing, but since it’s something I’ve never done before, I was quite sure it’d be a one and done thing, because of how of how I am, but to my surprise I ended up enjoying myself. I have 2 years of uni left and we don’t go to the same uni, so I want to hang and socialise with people on my course, enjoy myself and make memories.

He said part of it is jealousy with me being around other guys and that I’m changing and being different, because the girl that he first met wouldn’t have wanted this. But if he trusts me and wants me to be happy isn’t this a good change? Like why would you prefer your girl being indoors by herself, rather making memories, with those at uni?

I asked if I could go to a uni event this coming week as I enjoyed the first one I went to, but he said no and that I should wait til the end of the month. It’s left us in a bit of a weirded place, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to regret not having fun at uni, but I don’t want to make our relationship rocky.

TL;DR WIBTA if I went anyways, eventhough he said I shouldn’t go?

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