This is so trivial but it’s been playing on my mind and I feel bad about the whole thing.

Brief backstory – I met this girl once before, she arrived into my house a month back and stayed over, she’s friends with my housemates..

At the weekend we had a house party, and she was there.
Long story short at one point her and her friend were sitting in my bedroom doing their makeup.
Then her friend made a comment about me being such a good friend I said ‘ah myself and (girl) are only acquaintances’ as a poor attempt at humour.
She got quite annoyed at that, said she considered me a friend and felt let down that I didn’t see her as that, as she was doing her makeup in the mirror.
She mentioned about the prior evening and how she felt we got along really well,
I agreed with her, then she said ‘I know your favourite colour and all’.

I joked about knowing me so well and then asked what’s my middle name she didn’t know, I asked what hers was she told me, then asked what mine is, I told her and got ‘aw’ as a response.

So jokingly I went back and said ‘ah I guess we’re friend so’, she was still ticked off said ‘I was asking (housemate) where you were earlier, asked ‘why’s my friend not here’ and all!’

But to make it worse I kept digging at her throughout the night,
She went to the shop and asked if I needed anything, then she couldn’t get it so I ‘demoted her to acquaintance’.
And just continued that gag for far too long.

The next morning I wasn’t really talking to her, then at one point I went to the room she was had stayed in just to see if anything in mine, she came in and grabbed her bits.
Awhile later I changed into shorts and a hoodie & walked out of my room. She was lying/sitting on the bed in the open doorway across the hall.
She was staring straight at my crotch.
Then she looked up and noticed I saw and looked away.
Not sure if she felt awkward, but that was that.
Didn’t end up speaking to her after that.

That’s the lot.
I feel the morning after I still sort of seemed like a dick just that it looked like I just had her clearing her stuff out of my room.

Haven’t text her on anything, wouldn’t feel appropriate, she gave me her number that night to send her money for the shop.

Said it to my housemate and he just found it funny.
Mentioned it to a female friend and she just said it was sort of dickish.

It’s trivial but still it’s niggling at me.

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