I don't care if they do or don't. To each their own, but its not my cup of tea.
Maybe it will all be fine, but I'm sharing a room with another guy who will most likely be up all hours and I'll be zonked at a reasonable time.

  1. Double down and turn up with a few bags of crack and smack, they’ll soon stay clear of you

  2. I’d bail out tbh, to me that does not sound like a fun way to spend 4 days.

  3. Personally I wouldn’t go as someone who’s friends do a lot of drugs and I don’t touch any or alcohol. I’d friend it very uncomfortable. Like you say each to their own but realistically do you want to be in that situation around high people ?

  4. Just tell them you’re not gonna do any. (More drugs for them). If they’re decent people they won’t try and convince you otherwise 🤷🏽‍♂️

  5. Earplugs or noise cancelling headphones. Plenty of paracetamol and ibuprofen – not just for you! 

    The problem with drugs abroad is just like drugs here. You don’t actually know what’s in it. You don’t know what it’s been cut with. At least if you’re at home you are mostly aware of your surroundings. Take that into a holiday situation and it’s got potential for bad shit to go down. The other 23 blokes will probably learn to appreciate that at least one of you isn’t a complete idiot. You’re gonna be the adult babysitter. 

  6. Neck 5 pints, do a line, neck another 5 pints

    If you don’t wanna drink do ket

  7. Strut out the bathroom naked and oiled up on the first morning holding a bag of viagra and a tube of KY before saying “the ladies are in another country so let’s get this party started boys. Who wants reaming out first?” …. I can pretty much guarantee you’ll be left alone to do your own thing from then onwards.

  8. Surely there will be others NOT getting high. Make a note of the others not taking about getting high, the silent ones and gravitate towards them when you meet

  9. Out of 23 people there’s guaranteed to be others who aren’t partaking. Just do your thing – don’t expect to last as long as they will, go back to your bed when you’ve had enough for the night because the next day you’ll need to do it all again. Most importantly, make sure you have a good bed away from any centres of drug use, e.g. the kitchen. If you’re sharing Airbnbs, the trick is to get there first and plonk your stuff on a good bed. No1s gunna argue, they’ll all be too excited to get on the sesh to care at that point.

  10. I’d say a lot of it is trying to act the lad in front of everyone else

    Is it to Amsterdam where marijuana is allowed/tolerated?

  11. I’d absolutely recommend getting your own room. I know it is expensive, but that will allow you to engage on your own terms and when you want to. You’ll be rested and won’t feel resentful, so the time you DO spend with them might be enjoyable even if they are on it. I actually have some quite nice memories of a stag do where some people were spooned off their nut and I wasn’t, but space was the key (no pun intended).

    Edit: Also, at the end of the day, you’re already spending a lot to be there… may as well spend a bit more if you can to make the most of it and it not be wasted money.

  12. I imagine most of the lads taking drugs will be sticking together so I wouldn’t worry too much about the lad you’re staying with. If there’s loads of you in one apartment though things might be different, but don’t be afraid to tell them to pipe down

    I’m sure some of them won’t be doing drugs too so just make effort on the first night to get to know the ones that are going be taking it easy. Even if all 23 lads are getting on it, I doubt they’ll be doing so every night. Some of them will surely tap out after one or two heavy nights

  13. I know this sounds daft, but try and distance yourself from the group when going through customs and border checks. In my experience there is always one person in a group that size who thinks they’re some smuggling genius and will either take some over with them or try and bring some home. You don’t want to be caught in their drama.

  14. Just enjoy the holiday you don’t have to be with them 24/7. Zante is a nice place you can go and explore.

  15. I went to a stag do abroad two years ago, no mention of drugs but there was intended to be a lot of drinking involved, despite me not being a heavy drinker at all.

    It could be worthwhile having a word with the best man and asking to be put in a room with those less inclined towards drugs if you don’t want to be around them. The best man for the one I went to was awesome and put me up with guys who were only staying a night, so I ended up with my own room which was great for when I just needed to recharge for a while.

    For the numbers going, you’ll probably find that most people break off into smaller groups when they aren’t doing activities planned in advance. The stag do I went to had a lot of times where people naturally came together and hung out in those smaller groups where it was much easier to get to know people properly.

    You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Some will give you stick for it, but I think you’ll find most people going won’t _really_ be interested in drugs, it’s all peer pressure. Just stick to your guns, anyone worth your time will respect that.

  16. Just don’t take em if you don’t want. A group that size, no way all 24 of you are gonna be on it. I’d just ask if anyone else is gonna be keeping clean and at least get a roomie who’s also part of the Sensible Bedtime Crew

  17. Sounds like 23 lads with social anxiety! Honestly it’s going to get pretty annoying if everyone else is doing gear and you’re the only one not doing it. Everyone is going to be fine with it but you might not enjoy the idiocy that comes along with it…

    My top tip is to drink mid-strength session beers, stay away from the shots and be as forgiving as possible. If they’re on the coke then you’ll never be able to keep up with the alcohol consumption so don’t even try!

    Tactical red bulls, espresso martinis oh, and jimmy carr said if you replace the vodka in an espresso martini with tequila it’s like liquid cocaine, so that’s something.

    Good luck soldier.

  18. If you’re drinking and they’re doing a few lines you’ll barely notice really.  It won’t be everyone. You’ll have a laugh don’t over think it, no one is going to try and peer pressure you.

    Just don’t try and keep up with the drinking if they’re having a bump and you aren’t.

  19. I mean, what kind of drugs are we talking about here? If it’s like weed or mushrooms or LSD, you might actually have a good time fucking with them or just being the sober babysitter.

    But if it’s coke I would find somewhere else to be during those hours, because people on coke are *obnoxious*

    Only upshot with coke is they’ll probably run through their supply pretty quickly, so you might actually get to enjoy the rest of the trip.

  20. Get your own room. Make up some excuse for why you need it and just book it. Stick around for as long as you can bear each night then quietly head off. A 4 day stag is a fucking endurance test even without drugs

  21. Honestly, ask the best man (privately) if you can share a room with someone who shares your opinions on this or at least someone that you know relatively well. And remember, it’s probably all “bantz™”. 

  22. The odds of 23 of them wanting to do drugs are pretty slim. Just stick with the ones that don’t.

  23. Day 1 at the airport ask them to form a circle and all join hands and join you in a prayer for the forgiveness of their sins and a long and happy marriage for the happy couple. Prolong the prayers. Carry a bible with you. They will leave you alone after that.

  24. It will be fine (assuming you’re drinking at least…if you’re completely sober might be a bit grating). Just duck out a bit earlier, if they hitting it hard I doubt they’ll get back until really late/early anyway, giving you time to sleep etc. Just don’t let them peer pressure you or anything to do anything stupid, it’s a holiday not a competition.

  25. There’ll be someone else not partaking/sleeping early. Can always swap rooms with someone once the obvious late night partying groups established itself.

  26. Sounds horrible. The coerced “fun” brigade are the worst. Felt like that episode of the Inbetweeners where they go to Warwick and the stupid drinking games but in Budapest. The groom was/is an arsehole and his divorce proves it. The person I shared a room with was a pervert.

  27. Sounds like hell. I’d find a way to duck out of it. With 23 other guys I doubt you’ll be missed (unless you’re the groom or best man).

  28. Just keep an eye on your drink, if anything serve yourself, there’s bound to be one dicksplash that thinks he’s the funniest guy in the world while spiking your drink.

  29. That sounds like a fate worse than death, I’d make my excuses and not go

  30. Get your room mate arrested at the first possible opportunity, guaranteeing a room for yourself. Do not alert anyone to the fact you are doing this plan. You’re welcome!

  31. Some advice from someone in late 40s, who barely, if ever, even drinks these days but has been on many nights out like that:

    Depends on what drugs they’re taking really.

    I’d honestly take a weekend with a bunch of lads doing weed, shrooms, acid or pills over lads drinking all weekend. Way more chill, minimal chance of fights etc

    If they’re just drinking and doing coke, you probably won’t even notice, they’ll be going to a cubicle to have a sneaky line. As for how the coke will affect them: It will hopefully help them from getting too pissed.


    Some people become obnoxious aggy arseholes after 5 or 6 lines and tbh they’d probably be the same after a few shots and no coke. People who are generally OK to be around won’t suddenly turn into an aggressive wanker from a few lines, they probably just chew your ear off all night.

    I guarantee though they will be all talk, no action. Most of them will over indulge the first night, and take it easy for the remainder. If it’s stressing you out, skip the first night, which will be the shitshow (feign illness or something), and join the rest of week

  32. There’s no way 22/23 people are going to be smashing in huge amounts of drugs. It’s just the loud ones in the WA group.

    I’m literally on one now with varying levels of personality types from absolute nerd to huge party guys and it’s very respectful of all.

  33. Had a very similar experience a couple of years ago. Was a bit worried I’d be one of the few not “on it”. Turned out there were so many people there that it was more than fine to do your own thing, and the fact a few of them were off their faces didn’t affect anything. It was the best stag I’ve been to and I wish I could do it again.

    TLDR: do it. It’ll be fine.

  34. Definitely try to get your own room. Fuck trying to wank while sharing a room with a stranger.

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