I dated an avoidant who I was friends with before hand (not realizing the full weight of avoidant attachment) and things ended after a month due to mutual anxiety and deactivation on his part, we said we still wanted to be friends and that we saw eachother as special. After confessing I still had feelings after a period of no contact he set the boundary of not spending one of one time together as he felt pressured that I was trying to peruse a relationship and he didn't see us as compatible/ that there was someone better out there for me…which I am aware is fear talking. This was a few months ago now. we are on good terms when we see each other and I can see that he still has feelings for me as he gets nervous around me especially infront of others and I catch him looking at me non stop when we are in eachothers sphere. the other day he reached out to send a supportive message. It's the first time he has instigated contact in months, I think because he sees me moving on…I was quite confused by what the intention would be? He also responds to most texts and in quick time which is a positive sign? I followed up a few days later for a light chat where he asked some questions to continue the conversation which I know must have been vulnerable for him. I would like to be friends with him and support him moving forward but am not sure how to go about it considering our history and not wanting him to feel pressured.

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