‘Phrases you hate’ type questions come up on here often, but I don’t often see the reverse. Which words/phrases/idioms/slang do you love saying or quoting, even if doing so incurs the confusion of your partners and peers?

For instance, I like ‘Are you picking up what I’m putting down?’ to mean ‘Do you understand?’, and the reverse to confirm I understand.
Also ‘I don’t want to yuck somebody else’s yum’ to mean ‘I don’t like this thing but other people do so I won’t go on about it, courtesy of the Stuff You Should Know podcast, I think.
I’ve also adopted a few John Robins and Elis James-isms, such as describing things as being ‘broadly fine’.

  1. “Not got two brain cells to rub together” – my partner says this about people being stupid. I love it.

  2. – *”Thick as two short planks”*
    – *”It’s aching for rain/it’s aching for it — “It’s yawning for more snow/rain””*
    – *”Casting pearls before swine”*

  3. Every Scouse slang word!

    Our kid,
    Got a cob on,
    Come ed,
    Made up for yuh

    I don’t care what posh cunts think about them I’ll use them till I’m in the grave.

  4. Wind your neck in.

    You’ll have it dark.

    Piffy on a rock bun.

    Tight as a camel’s arse in a windstorm.

    More chance of seeing a one-legged cat burying it’s turd on a frozen pond.

    The wheel’s spinning but the hamster is dead.

    The lights are on but no-one is home.

    All mouth and no trousers.

    If you said you’d been to Tenerife, he’d have been to Elevenerife.

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