I really struggle to feel secure in relationships. I’m always overly aware about my gf looking at other men and I’m always thinking if I don’t keep a good body and be funny and get a good job etc she might leave me for another guy.

I understand the irrational nature of these thoughts and I never take it out on her. I’ve managed to get good at communicating my emotions after a long struggle with my mind and we have a good relationship.

The relationship I’m in now is the most healthy by far but there isn’t that instinctive natural pull to my gf that a lot of people may call love. I find her attractive and we get on well everything is good apart from that ‘spark’.

The issue is I get that spark with extremely anxious women and toxic relationships with those women. This is likely due to my family dynamic growing up.

I think I went off piste there a bit but any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated.


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