(for context I'm a teen, so the smell thing is. hm) As the title says, I constantly wonder whether I smell bad or if I'm just unapproachable in any other way. I'm autistic and have trouble with facial expressions so ??? I might have a "resting bitch face". I use a deodorant and sometimes perfume etc. When I sit next to people they look at me in a strange way and often move away. Can they just dislike me? I don't think they really know me either. I'm stopping trying to sit next to anybody because I feel like they'll just hate it. Is it a normal concern or am I making stuff up? I don't really care about making friends with these people but I don't want them to hate me because they're pretty cool. I don't want to become obsessed with smells but I feel like I need to use more products etc to become more acceptable. is this a thing or am I spiraling?

Also, what do "normal people" (my therapist says most people aren't "normal") think is a cool thing to point out in the world surrounding us? I love to observe so when once a tiny bug landed on my hand I tried to share it with a girl but she gave me a really weird look. Do I point out a cool bird next time?

sorry for the block of text, especially if anything's off topic, and for any mistakes as english isn't my first language

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