I’ve been getting that all my life, but I act normal. I don’t get it.

  1. You might want to ask them and not Reddit. If you keep being told that by multiple people, you just might be insensitive.

  2. Might be on the spectrum if you don’t understand discretion and basic manners.

  3. Yeah um you see tarzan or Dwayne johnson. She wants you to be like. So you could take care of her instead of her take care of you crying all day long

  4. Insensitive – not sensitive.. probably has to do with you not acknowledging or just overlooking their feelings

  5. It can mean a myriad of things. You might be too blunt. Maybe she’s been hurting emotionally and that flew over your head. If multiple people have told you this maybe get checked. You could be on the spectrum if you’re missing a lot of social cues.

  6. Take it at face value if you’ve heard your entire life.

    You are not a sensitive person.

  7. Don’t feel too bad. I couldn’t give a shit about a lot of stuff. I don’t so much hide it as it just isn’t worth my time/thoughts/concern. But I do have to stop myself from telling people “I couldn’t care less!” Or “Whatever, it’s fine.” Some people would take those kinds of statements as rude or insensitive. If only they knew the voice in my head is really screaming “I don’t give a flying f***!!!” . . . I am pretty sure that I would be viewed as an insensitive bitch if I uttered those statements out loud

    Maybe they want things to bother you more than they seem to? Someone once felt the need to apologize for someone else’s behaviour to me, and I told them, “Honestly, it is just no big deal. Let her vent and scream and yell at me, she obviously feels the need to get something off her chest!” And when this psycho was done yelling, she left, and I never saw her again. I could not have cared less, and everyone else was wondering why I wasn’t bothered. I don’t let idiots live in my head

  8. It means she feels like you’re being inconsiderate and/or blunt. You might have unconsciously said something that hurt her, or it could just be the way you speak, your tone of voice, or the lack of empathy. Try showing more energy when you’re talking to her or something idk

  9. It means you’re not considering others feelings or reading social cues well.

  10. Women in general are much more emotional than men. On top of that, it sounds like you are much more insensitive to people in general. Are you not self aware as to how you are coming across? Sounds like you need to read and study how you are treating and reacting to women. My ex was quite emotional and hard to deal with so I know the feeling. My new wife, she is not nearly so weird in that way.

  11. Probably that you’re being an ass to her, or at least that she sees it that way.

  12. Slow down on the context, there.

    I could mean 1,000 things, but just stating like you are is pretty meaningless. Based on that, I’d guess your “normal” is not reading the room and speaking without thinking about how its heard? Dunno, man.

  13. If you’ve been getting that all your life, then something isn’t normal. Ask for examples next time.

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